Sign up to participate in Tech Exchange Meetings. This is a unique opportunity to connect 1:1 with select partners of this event. They give you a chance to share pain points and learn about solutions to see if it’s a good fit. The 15-minute meetings will take place virtually in the days leading up to, or after the event. As a benefit for participating, you will receive a $50 gift card for each meeting successfully fulfilled.


Benefits To You:

• Efficient networking with partners who can help you solve your business challenges

• A gift card for $50 for each successful 15-minute meeting held


To join, just check the box on your registration.


Note: Tech Exchange participants must be US-based, meet the criteria of the event and are currently employed with a valid corporate email address.

Only meetings set by the Foundry team are eligible for benefits. Best efforts will be made to accommodate meeting requests, though no guarantees.