Saadat Malik

VP, IoT & Intelligent Edge Services

Saadat Malik is HPE’s Vice President for IoT and Intelligent Edge
Services. He leads an organization focused on developing solutions
and services for customers that are looking to transform their
businesses leveraging IoT and Intelligent Edge capabilities.

Achieving this digital transformation requires a holistic strategy that
builds and brings to bear capabilities in all aspects and areas of a
customer’s environment. Malik’s organization partners with customers
to develop this overall strategy with a special focus on ensuring that
the right people, process and technology capabilities are built and
deployed at the perimeter (edge) of the customer’s environments
where most of the business actually gets transacted. Examples of this
edge include a manufacturing plant floor, an oil rig, a company’s
campus, a power plant as well as a battlefield.

Malik is an accomplished digitization services executive. He has
worked hand in glove with customers, delivering some of the largest
IoT projects globally at the junction of IT and OT (operations) for a large
portion of his 20 year-long career in the technology industry.

Prior to joining HPE, Malik started several new organizations at Cisco
and held various senior services roles, most recently as the Global
Practice Lead for Cisco’s IoT Services organization. He was one of the
pioneers at Cisco in the IoT space. He started Cisco’s IoT Services
function and rapidly grew it into a global organization with several
hundred clients and employees worldwide, partnering on journeys in
Utilities, Oil & Gas, Manufacturing and Cities, among other verticals.

Malik is the author of a best-selling book on Security, “Network Security
Principles and Practices” and co-authored United States’ National
Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) of 2006. Malik holds an MSc in
Electrical Engineering from Purdue University