Keynotes & Cocktails offer an ideal mix of experiential networking and educational engagement with key customers and prospects. Situated in a relaxed and casual atmosphere, the evening event kicks off with a 20-minute topic-focused research presentation by a BRAND moderator, which serves as an excellent lead-in to your subject matter expert’s 15-minute view on the topic.
The evening features hors d’oeuvres, drinks, networking, and an entertaining activity. Keynotes & Cocktails is a new and special way to build relationships.
Benefits in brief
- Full-service topic selection and content development
- Moderated by CIO or CSO contributing editor
- Turnkey registration acquisition
- Timely registration reporting
Keynote & Cocktails Locations
- Atlanta, GA
- Boston, MA
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
- Los Angeles, CA
- New York, NY
- San Francisco, CA
- Washington, DC