Login Details:

Desktop: (Google Chrome will provide the best user experience):
1. To log into the environment, click here.
2. Enter the email address you registered with.
3. Enter your Login Code/One-time-password (Sent by email)

The code is only accessible for approved registrants with a unique email address. You must use the same address as your registration/confirmation.

Mobile Device:
1. Please use the following links to download the app: iOS or Android
2. Enter the email address you registered with.
3. Enter your Login Code/One-time-password (Sent by email)

The code is only accessible for approved registrants with a unique email address. You must be already registered and login with the same address as your registration/confirmation.

Update your profile first.

Please complete your profile, update your schedule, add a photo, and choose your interest areas to be matched with like-minded people.

Step 1: Enter the email address you used to register for the event
Step 2: Enter your login code

Your profile isn’t just information about you. It contains any bookmarks you make to revisit people and sponsors, the sessions you add to your schedule, your customized time zone, and more. We recommend you add a photo and select your interest areas so people can reach out to you with their common interests.

Click on the icon in the top right corner to open your profile. Then click on Edit Profile. You may be prompted to complete your profile immediately after logging in for the first time.

FAQ and How to Navigate the Event Environment


Devices: Laptop, phone, computer (Mac or PC) or tablets (Android or IOS) are supported.

Suggested Web Browser: Google Chrome provides the best experience.

You can find additional information on system requirements here.

What if I have technical problems or questions about the environment?

If you need assistance from support, please click the “Tawk.to” icon located in the lower left hand corner of each screen within the platform.

Making the Most of Your Event Experience

Q: When does the virtual event start?

A: The event kicks off Wednesday, May 18 at 1:00 pm ET/10:00 am PT. You can log on to the platform starting Tuesday, May 17 to complete your profile and get comfortable with the platform. Doing so will enhance your experience by matching you with the right content, contacts and companies to explore. Plus, you’ll be able to get a head start on our on-demand, or “always on,” content. Simply visit the Agenda and click the “Always On” tab.

Q: How do I maximize my experience at The Canadian Future of Information Security Summit?

A: Take advantage of the following platform features to connect with attendees and sponsors.

    • Set up your profile: Add a picture, your social links, interests, and a bit about your role. You can find your profile in the top right corner of the screen.
    • Edit your schedule (using the calendar icon) to set times that are convenient for meetings if you are open to having them.
    • View the agenda for can’t-miss sessions. Watch keynotes, visionaries, and your customers speak. Be a part of the conversation!
    • Peruse the attendee tab — a green dot will show you who’s in platform in real time. Use the filter options to find titles, industries, & people with similar interests.
  • Engage in the Live Chat – feel free to make a comment about the session you’re watching or ask a question
    • Vote in the Polls – the polls are located on the event feed, under the polls tab.
    • Participate the Contests – we have three contests for this summit – it’s easy to participate and there are prizes to be won
    • Tell us What you Think – we want to hear what you liked about our event and what you thought of the sessions you attended – Click on Take Survey Button

Making Connections:

    • Use the chat functions to send direct messages to attendees — make your notes actionable for better response. It’s easy to click, type and send.
    • Use the people icon on the right navigation to search for people you want to find.
    • Send a meeting invite! 10 Minutes is enough to greet &  learn the interests of your invitee. Manage your availability on the “Meeting” tab & click on “Edit Slots”.

Q: Will I be able to see sessions if I miss them?

A: Yes. Most content is available on demand a few hours after it airs live for you to watch anytime. However, we recommend attending while the event is taking place so you can interact with your peers and our knowledgeable sponsors. There are a couple live sessions taking place that will not be recorded.

Q: What hashtag should I use for my social posts? 
