Chief Scientist for Insider Threat Capabilities and Senior Principal Behavioral Psychologist
MITRE Corporation
Dr. Caputo has also built and leads MITRE’s Insider Threat Research and Solutions Capability and multi-disciplinary team. She created and pioneered the development of Insider Threat solutions as repeatable offerings for all sponsors with 18 IP disclosures, and stood up an air-gapped, secure MITRE Insider Threat Lab. She uses behavioral methodologies and analytics to reduce insider threats by analyzing how human behavior manifests in cyber and non-cyber sensors, and developing solutions to identify and change employee attitudes, intentions, and/or behaviors. Deanna holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Santa Clara University and a Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology with a specialization in Judgment and Decision-Making and Psychology and Law from Cornell University.
Dr. Caputo has multiple research articles published in peer-reviewed journals, authored two book chapters including in 2020 Insider Threats: Leveraging the Benefits of Behavioral Science Research in the International Handbook of Threat Assessments, Oxford Press (2021). Other highlighted publications include: Spear Phishing in a Barrel, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 2018; Barriers to Usable Security? Three Organizational Case Studies, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2016; Going Spear Phishing: Exploring Embedded Training and Awareness, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2014; Leveraging Behavioral Science to Mitigate Cyber Security Risk, Computers and Security, 2012; and Detecting the Theft of Trade Secrets by Insiders: A Summary of MITRE Insider Thre