CEO and Co-founder
Daniel Bren brings over twenty-five years of hands-on and managerial experience in cyber research, development, system engineering, cryptography and threat analysis. A retired Brigadier General of the Israeli Defense Forces, Bren dedicated his military career to creating and tailoring proactive cyber-defense systems. He formed Israel’s Military Joint Chief Cyber Defense unit, serving as its first commander, and additionally served as Head of C4I (J6) Force Buildup & Mission Support Division and Head of the IDF’s CIO division (a.k.a. “Lotem”). In 2018 Bren co-founded OTORIO, an industrial-native cybersecurity solutions provider. He has an Electrical Engineering B.Sc. EE from the Tel Aviv University (cum laude) and an Electrical Engineering M.Sc. EE from the Technion (cum laude).